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Tanger tamasight Reflecting on the events of the day (b)
rabat arabic Reflecting on the events of the day (a)
tirana gishtin To touch the sore point
Yogyakarta The right to elect and to be elected
Holon Below the threshold of consciousness
incheon To confuse the imaginary with the real
bukuresti Accordance between theory and practice
sofia To provoke a wry smile
pristina The unity of antagonisms
lubljana To concretise abstract ideas
mumbai Not to succeed in one´s plan
puri To interfere in a matter
olchiki To feel the force of this argument
calcutta To be free from doubt about what has been heard
by witnessing it
prague To do something in one´s own way
stockholm To come upon something entirely changed
Madrid_Chamartin To achieve something on detours
quebec To be reserved in one's enthusiasm
delhith To ruin what has been achieved
belgrade To attribute a certain relevance to a matter
belfast_2 To evade doing something
belfast_1 To be willing to do something
montreal Make no small plans
The two ideas didn´t mesh
To raise a question one after another
Being dependent on a decision
To drown in shallow water
A question that no one can answer
To expose oneself to trouble
To feed a matter anew
To drink from one´s glass sip by sip
How sweet is your friendlyness to my heart
To draw up a strange theorie
Being dedicated to something with passion
Being unable to form an idea of it
To contest the actual truth of an occurrence
To make a decision according to your own interpretation
Basically we just want to sit here
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text by Dr. Johannes Meinhardt